Artifact for "Foundations for Cryptographic Reductions in CCSA Logics"
Artifact for the CCS 2024 paper "Foundations for Cryptographic Reductions in CCSA Logics".
The Computationally Complete Symbolic Attacker (CCSA) approach to security
protocol verification relies on probabilistic logics to reason about the
interaction traces between a protocol and an arbitrary adversary. The proof
assistant Squirrel implements one such logic. CCSA logics come with
cryptographic axioms whose soundness derives from the security of standard
cryptographic games, e.g. PRF, EUF, IND-CCA. Unfortunately, these axioms are
complex to design and implement; so far, these tasks are manual, ad hoc and
error-prone. We solve these issues by providing a formal and systematic method
for deriving axioms from cryptographic games. Our method relies on
synthesizing an adversary against some cryptographic game, through the notion
of bi-deduction. Concretely, we define a rich notion of bi-deduction, justify
how to use it to derive cryptographic axioms, provide a proof system for
bi-deduction, and an automatic proof-search method which we implemented in